FullEnrich API Documentation

Getting Started

Welcome to FullEnrich API documentation

You can try the API for free by signing up to FullEnrich

FullEnrich offers an API that enables you to enrich your leads effortlessly by finding accurate emails and phone numbers for your prospects.

Our service is designed to ensure you never miss a connection with potential leads due to a lack of contact information. We are not just "another data vendor"— we aggregate data from more than 15 providers to achieve the highest enrichment rate in the market.

Additionally, we are GDPR and CCPA compliant (we do not maintain a database).

Alternatively, you can:

  • Build your list from LinkedIn and export it with our Chrome Extension

  • Enrich your lists in bulk using our CSV upload feature.


To ensure the security of your data and to authenticate requests, FullEnrich API uses Bearer Authentication. This means that you need to include a valid API key in the Authorization header of each request you make to our API.

Here's how to include your API key in your request:

  1. Obtain your API key from your FullEnrich API account dashboard.
  2. Add the API key to your request headers as a Bearer token:
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Each request to our API endpoints must include this authorization header.

Be sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with the actual API key from your dashboard. Without a valid API key in your request, you will not be able to access the API endpoints and will receive a 401 Unauthorized response.

Keep your API key secure and do not share it publicly. If you suspect that your API key has been compromised, you should regenerate it immediately from your account dashboard to prevent unauthorized access.


The use of credit is the same on the API as the rest of the platform.

A credit will only be used if we find a phone number or an email from our vendors.

You can check your remaining credits using the GET /account/credits endpoint

Rate Limit

You can call the /contact/enrich/bulk endpoint 60 times per minutes. Since you can enrich up to 100 contacts in bulk, you can enrich up to 6000 contacts per minute.

We don't have any hourly or daily rate limit.

If you exceed your limit, you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests response.


POST /contact/enrich/bulk

Which allows you to start an enrichment.

GET /contact/enrich/bulk/{enrichment_id}

Which allows you to retrieve the result of the enrichment.

GET /account/credits endpoint

This endpoint returns the number of credits remaining in your workspace.

Zapier, Clay, Make and n8n


FullEnrich has a native integration with Zapier. To access this integration, you need to use the invitation link accessible on your dashboard here


One our customer has made a tutorial on how to use FullEnrich with Clay. You can find it here

Known bug on Clay's side:

You might have a "Failed To Parse Body Input" error. Clay format the JSON in a weird way. The way to fix it is to remove the line break between the "[" and the "{" at the begining and at the end of the "datas" list.

Type :


Instead of :


This problem can arise for every Lists in the JSON.

Make and n8n

You can integrate FullEnrich with Make or n8n by using the API. The enrichment is done with 2 workflows:

  • The 1st workflow will start the enrichment (don't forget to provide the webhook URL from the 2nd workflow).

  • The 2nd workflow will be triggered when the enrichment result is received through its webhook.

Here is an illustration of what the 2 workflows looks like: 2 workflow illustration

If you want more guidance with Make (or n8n) we've made a tutorial for you:

Watch the video

Check If API Key Is Valid

This endpoint checks if your API key is valid.



Response samples

Content type
  • "workspace_id": "string"

Get Current Balance

This endpoint provides the current balance of credits available in your workspace.



Response samples

Content type
  • "balance": 5000

Enrich Contacts In Bulk

Enrich your contacts using this endpoint.

To enrich a contact, you need at least the firstname, lastname, and either the domain or the company_name. You can also pass the linkedin_url to increase the probability of finding emails and phones.

You can enrich up to 100 contacts in bulk. If you want to enrich only 1 contact, you can pass only 1 contact in the list.

All enrichments started on the API are visible on your FullEnrich dashboard. It is good practice to use a readable 'name' for each enrichment. This way, you can easily search through them. For instance, if you are enriching just one contact, you might name your enrichment 'Firstname Lastname'.

To pass specific properties, utilize the 'custom' field by passing an object. For example, if you are enriching a contact from your CRM, include the CRM 'contact_id' in the custom object. This allows you to reference the contact_id when you receive the result on your webhook.

To retrieve the results of your enrichment, you can either provide a webhook URL or call the GET /bulk/enrichment_id endpoint.

How Do Webhooks Work?

Your webhook URL will receive a POST request when the enrichment is finished, lacks credits, or is canceled. If we fail to deliver a result to your webhook (receiving a non-2xx status code), we will retry every minute, up to 5 times. The content sent to your webhook is the same as that provided by the /bulk/enrichment_id endpoint.

Optional: To verify the authenticity of the information received from FullEnrich, check the SHA1-signed header against your API key.

Request Body schema: application/json

If you are using N8N, Make, or something else, this is where you add the Webhook that will be triggered when the enrichment is done.

Array of objects (RequestPostContactBulkEnrichContact)


Request samples

Content type
  • "name": "Sales Operations in London",
  • "webhook_url": "https://example.com/webhook",
  • "datas": [

Response samples

Content type
  • "enrichment_id": "2db5ea61-1752-42cf-8ea1-ab1da060cd0a"

Get Bulk Enrich Results

Use this endpoint to retrieve the result from an enrich.

path Parameters
query Parameters

Default = False. This parameter forces the API to return what has been found so far, even if the enrichment is not finished. This may result in missing information and is not recommended for regular use.


Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "2db5ea61-1752-42cf-8ea1-ab1da060cd0a",
  • "name": "Sales Operations in London",
  • "status": "FINISHED",
  • "datas": [